Thursday, December 29, 2016

Seven Year Itch

I can't reconcile myself to the idea that Americans actually wanted Trump so I think it must be a desire for change and an unconscious attempt to balance things out--to follow a fat pope with a skinny one, as the Italians say. Well, we have certainly accomplished that. Also, the Republican establishment, through aggression and marketing acumen, fully exploits the uncertainty of the unknowable, what might have resulted if things had been otherwise.

My expectation is that the country would have been much safer and better off without Bush and worse without Obama but I can't prove it, and that's not allowing for the right-wing attempt to nullify Obama's presidency and deny his citizenship, his religious observance and even his humanity. Republican politicians not only disallow that Democrats are their worthy partners in running the country but deny them their rights as citizens whenever possible.

Anyway, assuming Trump's election is at least partly the result of an electoral glitch and an itch popping up near the end of a two-term president's tenure--somewhere in the seventh year, perhaps--I want to know if Donald gets his thrills from having the breeze from the New York City subway grates blow up his trousers in the summertime, aerating his endowment, or in what other ways, since the babe in this family isn't Melania or Ivanka, it's Donald.

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