Sunday, December 18, 2016

Risky Business

I don't think it's possible to comprehend the problem represented by Trump as it's occurring but we have an example of what a buffoon and ignoramus can do for you at just enough distance to begin to see it clearly. George W. Bush was a catastrophe for the country and we think we got away with it but the seeds of destruction are still sprouting, partly in the election of Trump. Looking back at Bush's performance is hard because, like 9/11 or the shuttle disaster, it's too painful. 

We have wanted a corrective, tempting fate with Bush and Trump and other such idiots and playing brinkmanship with national decline and failure in a search for reassurance caused by perversity, insecurity and immaturity, assuming it will be a hand-slap or an ambiguously sexy spanking, but the forces of justice and accountability of the universe might skip right to mortal measures. In any case, playing around with such risk other than from necessity is really foolish. 

In a rational world risk is a means to an end, not an end in itself--a reluctant tactic and not an objective. When it is an objective it's a function of hidden, irrational, psychological needs, false ideation and delusional thinking. All of it relates to a desire for the numbness and the release of death or other sadistic or masochistic impulses. Emotionally healthy people don't want to die or suffer or see it happen to others and can handle the simple, social responsibilities of life.

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