Friday, December 23, 2016

Anti-Trump Elixir

All I want for Christmas is some anti-Trump elixir. It's out of character for me to wish ill on anyone but, come to think of it, there's a whole list of people now I'd just as soon see dead. If someone has to have cancer of the prostate, scrotum or rectum, heavily metastasized, why can't it be Trump and Paul Ryan and Jeff Sessions and some of these other pernicious, loathsome, fear-mongering, attack-dog monstrosities. I wish I believed there was a hell for them to rot in and that they would be there soon, with their consciousness and individuality intact enough for them to reflect on their assholedom and what pieces of shit they were for their entire lives and the harm they did.

That's how I feel. And, so, how are you this holiday season? Merry Christmas to you.

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