Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Say "Yes, Master" or You Will be Punished

The Trump nut is a hard one to crack but even his supporters would have to agree, on a good day, that he thinks he is above or outside of the law. I think those who voted for him did so believing that he is on their side in his lawlessness, that he is our ass-kicker and that he will defend our interests the way he has his own, aggressively and without conscience.

In other words, we deliberately elected an asshole. "He's our asshole" you might argue and I wouldn't disagree, but asshole tactics only work for the stronger entity. We are the strongest entity around but it could change and we have implicitly declared open season on ourselves. If any country of people has ever been lucky as hell it is us and we are acting like animals. 

Whatever, but Donald Trump has been hired and is representative of us and I think it goes back to fear and pessimism and regression to an earlier evolutionary state of warring lords and clans such as our own Angles and Saxons and maybe a few Jutes. Weren't we supposed to have outgrown this? So much for moral progress and the ethical evolution of mankind.

It sickens me that we are such pigs but we are all along for the ride now, barnacles on a pirated ship of state or, for his supporters, warts or whatever on Donald's ass. There's dignity for you. Donald and the Kochs and their ilk are above the law and the working class is screwed and black people can be abused and shot and killed anytime and without recourse.

Welcome to the new America of Trump and a bunch of rich dicks who care only about themselves, and many thanks to the un-rich idiots who voted for this, in their inconceivable ignorance, and have sent us all to hell. 

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