Monday, October 31, 2016

Trump the Brute

Having learned of Trump's youthful love of confrontation and violence I know now that he is a brute. But he is a bankrolled brute, one who is too big to fail, notwithstanding that he almost failed anyway and was saved, repeatedly, by his family. What goes on in what they call his "mind," that primitive place where ambition and aggression run everything? 

It's the ethos of financialization and extraction and the harvesting of capital. Every failure is no reflection on him and circumstantial and not representative but the successes are owned and interpreted as indications of excellence and superiority. So, with Trump, he's a failure, given what he was given, but he sees himself as shrewd and as a victorious warrior. 

He thinks he's competing and that he's a winner, his consistent showboating and bragging revealing his sensitivity about this. I've known real winners, people who started with nothing, and not all but many of them are quick to acknowledge their luck. If they are emotionally healthy they know how much they owe to circumstances and opportunity.

But not Trump. The sad, blithering, bullying asshole has to believe he did it all himself and that he's the greatest. I can't believe this mobile mound of shit is actually running for president and that millions of angry, deluded, disgraced, racist Americans will vote for him. Whatever the outcome we deserve to fail but I fear that it will be left to our children. 

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