Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Oedipus Mex

The extremity of the Republican daddy-problem is beyond the limits of my understanding of psychology but they haven't had a candidate since Reagan who wasn't under the umbrella of paternal privilege. As these things happen, though, and as I know from my readings, it will be revealed to us as the fixations well up from the Republican collective unconscious.

What a horrifying concept. It's about a concern for who is the provider. Heirs can be insecure in their role as providers because they have the trappings but they haven't had the journey. They are "passers-on" and ersatz providers saddled with insecurity because they didn't do it themselves, whatever their accomplishments, and they may be unsure of their worth. 

Would they have made it without the inheritance? They will never know and so their sensitivity is about usurpers, false daddies, because they are these themselves. Their fear is focused, of course, on those who had the talent to make it on their own, like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, who are cast as usurpers precisely because they are true providers.

Those who are seen to be competing for the largesse the inheritors jealously want for themselves are also attacked, no matter how much the inheritors already have and how hardworking, willing and deserving the innocent victims of their delusions are, like the Mexicans in the case of Donald Trump. Trump tried to make Obama into a Kenyan.

He tried to disenfranchise him, which makes Obama an honorary Mexican. This is so primal and, naturally, it is because Trump himself is his imaginary Mexican, a rapist and criminal and hanger-on and someone who has nothing to give, someone who has been on the dole his entire life and is still riding the wave of familial wealth and good fortune. 

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