Sunday, May 5, 2024

Trump Slut to Wed Rich Guy

Anyone else notice how the women of Fox who ratted out Ailes and O'Reilly (and whatever other hideous bully scum) waited until it suited their interests? It appears it was always about ambition. 

Looking out for number one. Which slut is to wed? Kellyanne is available now, we know, but she seems to be a true believer so maybe not a slut but more of an aspiring doness, in the mafia sense.

Godmother, I think, is the term. 

Hope Hicks is marrying a tycoon. Will she be happy now? Will she carry on the con or sit back and watch the world burn after stylishly and with composure throwing her own bit of gas on the fire?  

This passes for character among conservatives. I wonder if they talk about it. If they have tests. They love the litmus. With us or against? Does having sucked Ailes's dick confer status or contempt? 

Hopey is all set now. And she was worried about her employment after Trump got canned. Can she have been so clueless? When it's clear that no bar is too low. She seamlessly became pussy at Fox. 

Well-paid Fox pussy.

Now she's just going to be retired pussy. Which, the way she's doing it, like Mitch McConnell and others, is totally honorable. Only idiots believe in anything. Smart people are pure opportunists.

Hicks is all set. More than 50 years of feminism and white women still vote mostly Republican. They wanted jobs, they said, and to be equal. But clearly having a job being pussy is still fine. 

Maybe they are equal. And America was never about anything but ambition. Our men were sluts. Anything to win. The talk of principles was always a scam. Principles were for little people. 

The fools who died in the wars and worked and built everything while the Wall Streeters raked it in. Those with 'principles' were always suckers. And it was always a scam. Another kind of opium. 

A civic religion of bullshit to blind people while we plundered the world. 

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