Friday, May 10, 2024

Taking a Shine to Philosophy

Maybe it's true. 

That Joseph Kennedy knew it was time to get out when the guy shining his shoes was talking about investments. I had a similar experience. With a well dude. 

In the days of Corona my well stopped working. I called the well person, who was retiring and trying to hand his business off. Three young guys showed up. 

It was an easy fix. 

One, a young unmasked punk, seemed intent on getting into my personal space. Assuming I was a college-town liberal, I guess, and a believer in science, vaccines and such.

I am a college-town liberal. And a fan of science. 

I've taken all the vaccines. I think. Somehow, this little peace of shit let out a comment on Hayek, who wrote 'The Road to Serfdom' which idiot 'libertarians' love. 

I knew it was time to sell -- my emotional and intellectual investment in America. But somebody is buying. Get it now, people! Everything is on the block.

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