Monday, May 20, 2024

Raining Death from the Moral High Ground

I'm not familiar enough with other cultures to judge if their fundamentalist religious sects are as bad as ours but American evangelicals are evil. They're rapists and murderers and criminals and they bring in drugs but I'm sure of few of them are good people.

They might be the worst. Not inherently but because of American history and the Civil War and America's power and reach. They, together with their laissez-faire political partners, informed Hitler's racism and put him in power by trashing the world economy. 

They have a lot to answer for. I think that's why they want to end the world. To escape accountability and justice.. And these morons think they're going to heaven. I hope to god there's a god and a judgement in fact  but I doubt it. And it's too late for justice. 

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