Friday, May 10, 2024

Originalism as Deconstruction

People calling themselves conservatives want us to believe they are upholders of standards. That, in opposition to relativists who want to throw open the doors of uncertainty and define everything on the fly as what they want it to be at that moment. 

Conservatives want to claim they have the franchise on meaning and intelligibility. And that the dreaded 'liberals' are proponents of chaos. But who are the relativists here? And who is standing for standards and who is trying to keep things glued together? 

I say that liberals, to the extent they believe in relativism and skepticism and subjectivity, are arguing for an acceptance of the responsibility we have to make everything work. The responsibility that goes with being free. That our societies are what we make them. 

What we want or choose. Conservatives are arguing for enslavement. At many levels, but that human nature is what it is -- competitive. Some people win and some lose, and that we fuck with that at our peril. Pure fatalism, in other words, and Social Darwinism. 

If that's an actual 'ism' now. Theirs is the road to serfdom. We don't have to speculate about it, because we're observably on it. The Supreme Court cloaks itself in an 'originalist' mantle and decrees whatever they want, resulting in plunder and exploitation.

This is their 'freedom.' Conservatives decry relativism and postmodernism, whatever the fuck that is, and tremble and quake at the threat of the powerless 'liberals' when conservatives control everything. But that is their immutable reality -- fear. 

So they fight. Out of fear, tilting at the windmills of their minds. 

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