Monday, May 15, 2023

Whole Bureaucracy of Bullies

You see these movies where a strong man fights and beats a bully or bullies. Sometimes beating a whole bureaucracy or organization of bullies and sometimes it's not a strong man alone but a leader or coalition or army or whatever. The good guys don't always win but usually or it's ambiguous. 

The archetypal bullying organization and spree is the Nazis. What sense does it make to say anyone won in that instance? Hardly. It never should have happened. Once you go there everyone loses. And it's happening again. In America, which defined itself as the anti-Nazis. All they were we weren't. 

At one time. But not now. Bullying rests on power disparities. Hard to say, I think, if the Nazi model depended as much as it seems to have on one man but I don't know. The American example does not. Trump might be a personality cult but he's a shit-bloom on a thriving plant full of buds.

Hitler might have been the whole plant. He dies and it's over. I don't know. With Trump I feel sure the movement goes on without him in some horrible form heading us in the direction of Putin, Orbán or a similar horrible fate. Think about it. How far and fast we have fallen. Then think again. 

Because we were never what we thought we were. Maybe we weren't that bad but we chose not to see. We were at the great American frat party with kegs upon kegs of petrol. At best we didn't drink much but we were all there. In the basement and bedrooms horrible shit was going on. There were rumors.

We ignored them. On balance. Settled for a reassuring rebuke to a Nixon or Nixon-like character. Bonfired a guy to feel better and moved on without owning our part in it. All of that shit has caught up with us. All the bedroom rapes and basement antics. And I have no idea how it's going to play out.

But it is an emergency. This is what its like living in the middle of an emergency. It doesn't look like it does in the movies, from the outside. No perspective and the perspective is hard to get and how to thwart it depends on the perspective and probably a lot of luck. What were doing is not working.

That's the starting point.

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