Friday, May 5, 2023

Nothing to Crow About

Of course we are learning that corruption isn't a byproduct or incidental or a sideline for Republicans it's their philosophy of governance and life and the universe and everything. Either under the guise of religious fatalism or Social Darwinism corruption is the fundamental mechanism that separates the wheat (them) from the chaff (us) because there are unavoidable winners (them) and losers (us) in life and it is predetermined so it isn't really even corruption in the usual sense but God's will. 

It's life. So, there. And fuck you while we're at it. 

No congratulation or celebration should occur among responsible people for uncovering this cesspool, even if it results in a measure of accountability. Because it wasn't hidden in the first place. And any accountability is a drop in the ocean. Clarence, oh, Clarence. Forget the exposure of his conveniently profitable associations. Consider the damage already done. Corporations are people. Guns are godly and useful in the final liberation of mankind from the bondage of corporeality and sin. 

We are fucked. To an indeterminate degree we will have to endure what these lunatics have in store for us. Love one another and say your prayers, to the spirit of Christopher Hitchens if it must be, because we are in for a bumpy ride. If we're lucky. Otherwise it's right off a fucking cliff. Republicans will lose some of their own. They're fine with that. All's well that ends in Armageddon. Or in a world with a handful of Putins and legions of dupes and cannon fodder and a lot of AI and few paid enforcers. 

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