Friday, May 19, 2023

I Am Superior Ergo

Again and again you find the awakening of individual 'conservatives' hinges on one thing, the belief that some people are just better than others. At an existential level. I think that perspective has gotten the better of Musk lately as he begins to suspect what a worthless clown, opportunist, suck-face and incompetent unevolved character he really is. Denial drives him now.

Musk had the sense to gong-show himself out of Twitter so maybe he'll get a grip and stop the embarrassing behavior. Sometimes these aspiring aristocrats get into a loop where their arrogance and aggression play out well for a while. Certainly this was the case with Musk. Trump was a fuckup from the beginning but his daddy bailed out little Donnie and kept him afloat. 

But notice with a formal aristocracy -- royalty -- where it eventually evolves. The need for constant reassurance. And a fucking amazing inconceivable boatload of it. Prince Charles has been crowned. Look at the ridiculousness of that mess. But $250M should get you something. The waste is incomprehensible -- the insane subsidies it takes to maintain the illusion of superiority. 

It is that unnatural. It is that big a lie. So, why do non-aristocrats support this system? I think it takes an unnatural coalition and convergence of interests. Because I believe in humanity in spite of all the evidence we are a shit species, a terrible and unfortunate evolutionary accident that will destroy itself out of stupidity. And by thinking we're an aristocracy among the species. 

We want to think we're special and more than animals. We're not. In that respect we're all Musks, running from the truth of ourselves in a panic of denial. Consciousness, that defining human attribute, is nothing. Only a memory of a memory. Memory squared. This confers nothing. No special status. In fact it's an evolutionary disaster. Consciousness drives people crazy. 

The conservative reflex is destroying us. 

We are part of a system. Fuck it up and we're goners. Is it too late? It was always too late. We weren't adaptive. Consciousness wasn't a natural result of natural selection. It enabled us to live but not live well. Not to live in harmony with nature. Hence the stories of a fall of man. Of an earlier Eden. Of another realm of perfection and immortality. Because this world makes us nuts. 

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