Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Fetal Attraction

Republicans, among their fixations, have a thing for innocence. Not in a good way. They can't cope with it since they're basically insane people who think creation is a shithole, love a delusion and kindness for suckers. What, then, do you do with a baby.

Human babies, I've been told, are helpless for a weirdly long period having to do with the bipedal thing. With walking upright women's pelvises changed in ways that made it harder to have babies. Evolution selected for earlier births so human babies are all premature. 

This is a horrifying thing to contemplate. Evolution is a bitch. Women were dying disproportionately in childbirth because it served broader evolutionary ends. Though of course it would have been slower than we can comprehend but there's a reminder there.

About how risky childbirth was until recently. And Republicans are fucking with that now, a related story. Anyway, the combination of innocence and innate (to them) guilt manifested in a baby blows their minds. So they attack innocent people over it in this case Democrats.

In every case, Democrats. This is because they are nuts. They are shorting a circuit, one of quite a few. And so we get Pizzagate. We get all kinds of crazy shit. It has nothing to do with us or reality or life or anything outside of this sick internal battle going on with them. 

It goes on forever since in real life the transition from babyhood to something else is long and riddled with opportunities at arrestedness. You have to wonder if this isn't the appeal of Trump, who's completely schitzed out on this front. On the one hand, he isn't toilet trained. 

On the other, he's big and unsupervised. This is why we have prisons. Plenty of supervision there. But we see here how Republicans are beset by a huge internal battle and inhabit an unintelligible world of conflict. Which they are compelled by psychological forces to manifest. 

VoilĂ , and we have modern America, the land that makes no sense. The most fortunate people in the history of the world and we're destroying ourselves over nothing. Imaginings. And it should be said 'evangelicals' could be substituted for 'Republicans' anywhere here. 

Because those lunatics are driving the insanity. They will destroy everything if we let them. We must do whatever it takes to disempower them politically. Honest elections would work but good luck with that. They bought the Supreme Court for just this purpose. But, whatever it takes.

Or we're all totally fucked. 

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