Monday, April 1, 2019

The Shitshow Redemption

How in the world are honest people supposed to maintain normal, hopeful lives in the Republican prison, plantation and sanitarium of corruption the United States has become? Only crooks are fully enfranchised. Only people without a conscience feel free. The rest are saddled with guilt and despair.

Every form of corruption thrives within the Republican corporatocracy--graft, bribery, murder, blackmail, usury, fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, stock manipulation, embezzlement, intimidation... you name it. We are imprisoned and implicated no matter what we do. Escape is impossible. 

Someone can only aspire to carve out an island or subculture of decency but Republicans are constantly scouring the land to stamp out accountability. Their criminality must continue unchecked. The longer it goes on the more fearful they are. Every tool in the criminal arsenal is employed.

Mexico might be a place to go. There they have honest corruption. Everybody knows it is corrupt. There is no pretense or denial. And everyone knows that most of it originates with America's demand for drugs and insistence on a weak government that keeps poor people down and disempowered.

America is a thug country if not a country of thugs. The guards and wardens are worse than the prisoners. WE are the prisoners. The country is a criminal operation and we're just along for the ride. America invaded Iraq, based on lies. The economy got destroyed, based on lies. Trump got elected, based on lies.

Republicans get consistently richer and increase their control. THAT is the underlying reality. America's story or myth might have once made some sense. Now it is all a mass of Republican lies. America is dead. Long live America! The ideals are still alive but entirely subverted by Republican lies. 

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