Sunday, April 7, 2019

Barr Hacks Away at His New Job

William Barr immediately shit all over his new job, degrading himself for Trump. Trump encourages this behavior. Remember, however, this is supposed to be America's highbrow political party—the lace-curtain crowd of money and manners who speak and dress better than the rest. They are assumed to be bred and schooled better as well.

What happened? An invasion of body snatchers? Yes, kind of.

All they wanted was to win. They really thought they were more suited to rule but they represented a wealthier minority and corporate interests, a recipe for political frustration and inconsequence. Opportunity knocked, however. George Wallace was as a racist lunatic and the Deep South slavishly lined up to vote for their favorite (bigot) son.

Eureka! All Republicans had to do was lay it on with the racist innuendo. The South became solidly Republican. Surely those people knew how inferior they were and would never dream of spoiling those wonderful, rich Yankee cocktail parties with their presence, let alone deeming to dictate policy, not when there were dog fights to attend. 

Oh, but they did want something.

They wanted social insanity in return for their votes. Republicans were in too deep by the time this became clear. They would have to own years of their corruption, deception and incompetence, thereby going horrifically backwards politically and descending into disgrace. They sucked it up, held their noses and entered the sty. Oh, the stench.

Now they don't even smell it anymore. The corruption is unprecedented in America. The party of dignity, restraint and tradition is wallowing in shit. They are so accustomed to shit-wallowing they rebrand it as something else. Yes, the cocktail parties still go on in some circles but it's a travesty now. Barr somehow rationalizes sucking up to Trump.

Or, maybe he is in denial but they all do it, from the Ivy Leaguers on down. 

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