Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dualism and Fear

People who believe the material world is garbage have no faith that things will take care of themselves. If creation is in some dim way a reflection of God you can have faith. Humanity will muddle through. Human life, however sloppy and disappointing, has that reflection of divinity within it.

Nature, and thereby God, asserts itself with its own inevitability and checks and balances. This is why people can be judged by their behaviors. They condemn themselves by and through false witness. Witnessing is fundamentally the act of seeing. Someone can't relate what they haven't seen. 

If the world is bereft of God seeing the truth becomes problematic, relying on irrational means and prone to superstition, idolatry, and psychosis, like an electrical arc or lightning strike resulting from a buildup of dissociated energy. I choose to believe the universe is an integrated, intelligible thing. 

I choose justice, intelligibility and life.

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