Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Ease of Destruction

Here are two things to understand:

Firstly, Republicans have been unbelievably victorious for the past forty years. Ignore the occasional victories of the Democrats. Look at trends. The entire field of play has moved so far rightward it is unrecognizable. The values of Democrats are repudiated preemptively. Traditional American values and ethics are mired in confusion. Rational government isn’t possible. Radical, destructive, racist, reactionary values rule.

Secondly, this “accomplishment” was made easy by Republican treachery, like flying a plane into a building, not that I wouldn’t credit them with cunning. Winning is easy for cheaters. Winning is easy when someone doesn’t care about consequences. Winning is easy when one's “opponents” are blackmailed and bullied into submission. Think of how an alcoholic or mentally ill parent can dominate a family. Only one defense is usually possible, to leave.

But this is a national version of a family and therefore even more complicated. There are MANY innocent people to protect.

We are stuck with these deranged, delusional Republicans. They would rather destroy everything than lose, by compulsion. These are our choices—adopt their tactics, risking catastrophe and abandoning the hope of a return to normalcy, or sit back and wait, praying they end up in the ditch and are forced into their own reckoning before they destroy all of us, leaving the country a shell and husk of itself, incapable of redemption.

Republicans are political paramilitaries, assassins, rogues, guerrillas and terrorists. They will be incredibly hard to stop.

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