Sunday, December 9, 2018

Antics Roadshow

We have to begin with the obvious, that Donald Trump isn't even trying to do his job and should be fired. I, however, think Trump is especially egregious when he is away from Washington, the further the more so. 

Credit this to cowardice. Donald gets nervous and acts up even more when out of a comforting, secure, womb-like environment, ideally owned by him. He's a strange kind of control freak. It explains his penchant for attacking anyone at a pin-drop.

Fear-aggression, it is called, and Donald is full of it. Try that on for comfort, America. Your president is the worst person you could have chosen for the job. Ask yourselves, why? Why the fuck would we put this hopeless goon in charge?

Trump acts as though he's escaped from parental supervision when he's off somewhere. Daddy will ride to the rescue when he screws up. Who's going to ride in now? We all are, cleaning up another Republican catastrophe.

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