Sunday, December 16, 2018

Oh, Glorious Day! Die, Americans!

Again Americans are threatened with the loss of their health insurance, and thereby affordable, appropriate healthcare--and by Texas Republicans, of all people! These jihadis, a judge and an attorney general, are thrilled to declare the ACA unconstitutional, the AG tweeting excitedly in glorious victory.

Death to America!

The judge, appointed by Bush, is another hideous hack, true believer and incompetent with the usual array of Republican fixations and obsessions but it all comes down to cutting taxes on the rich and screwing everyone else. It is so extreme they would rather put a match to the money than spend it on average citizens.

This they did very effectively in the Middle East, where trillions have gone up in smoke. They begrudge lesser people everything--jobs, voting rights and even life itself. Out of respect and decency, I ask only that they kill us without the gloating and celebration. Is it so much to ask? We are still citizens, after all.

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