Monday, December 17, 2018

From Russia With Predictable Intent

Shocking! The Russians are meddling in our democracy. 

Let's begin by noting that this is a given, that countries will try to bring other countries in line with what they perceive to be their interests, however unwisely, short-sightedly and inconsistently with their professed values and intentions--except for America!

America would never do that.

Then let's note that the Russians didn't storm those virtual walls and reduce them to rubble with vast expenditures of money and unusually aggressive tactics. Republicans did that for them, firstly undoing safeguards that were there to ensure the airwaves, public property, were used responsibly. Then Republicans refused to regulate new kinds of businesses, like Facebook. They always refuse to do anything at the expense of corporate profits. 

Then let's note that the Russians are doing exactly what Fox News has been doing openly for years--undermining elections, promulgating lies and sowing the seeds of division, animosity and polarization. Americans have supported that. Americans reward that.

Don't blame Russia. They didn't accomplish anything in notably forceful, evil ways. They didn't spend huge amounts of money by NSA standards. We gave our security away. And they are lightweights at destroying our democracy in comparison with Fox News

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