Monday, December 17, 2018

Huge Hissy Fight

Wow. American conservatives, representing dignity, restraint, cultural continuity, reverence for ritual and decorum, and fine tailoring in the face of the casual revival, are having a huge hissy fight. The founders and poobahs of the recently defunct Weekly Standard, who deemed Sarah Palin a great "second" for an aging potential president, are in it with Trump and Steve King, the current standard bearers for Republican intellectual attainment and responsible, sober, professional and competent representative government.

I won't relate the actual verbiage (you can find it online) but it is a real testament to America’s ruling class and their behavioral ideals in its rhetorical finesse. To an outsider, it's confusing because the Weekly Standard boys seem to me to have encouraged voters to support their brand of imbecility forever and even after it failed in practice. How can they complain when the same voters shift to a new brand of boneheadedness? It's enough to make you wonder if the ”principles” they carry on about incessantly aren't just a lot of hooey and a smokescreen for an enormous power grab. But, what do I know.

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