Friday, July 29, 2016

Very Aryan

Trumplandia is a very Aryan place--have you noticed?--and a land roiling with discontent. What do all of these white people have to be angry about? Oh, I know, they have been shafted.

Their trust has been abused and they have a grudge. Abused by whom? Donald and his class and kind? Well, yes, kind of. There was some inevitability to the decline of Aryan Middle America.

But it didn't have to play out the way it did and to that extent it's innovative Republican shafting. And so with characteristic brazenness and cunning Republicans exploit the mess they have made. 

It isn't fair to blame Trump--the man's just riding a wave. Then, again, why not? Why the fuck not? Blame is his game anyway. He's casting aspersions and shit. Let's fry his ass with accusations.

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