Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Kowtow Club

America is now an outlier country among the developed nations and it's getting worse.

Why is this? Republican Washington is a corporate Kowtow Club, like the Bada Bing and fittingly criminal. I hear that inner-circle members enjoy the "Koch-sucker" honorific.

Republicans believe that issues of dominance and submission are inescapable, a world of screwers and the screwed. Cooperation, conciliation and real civilization are impossible.

So almost all of the Republican elected representatives make the trip to Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform on arrival and kneel in fealty. We are told that this is normal.

We are told that this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind and that it represents accountability. Right, but to whom? The accountability is supposed to be to the electorate.

NOT to a fractionally small, power-hungry cabal of rich pricks. Call me old-fashioned.

What the founders had in mind, of course, was individualism and ethical and intellectual independence, involvement and informed consent. Man, how we have failed.

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