Monday, July 25, 2016

Truther Consequences

The most primitive assumption of modern Republicanism is privilege, that there are different standards for different people and groups of people. Clinton gets impeached but their boy's innumerable crimes are unacknowledged and unpunished and wished away. 

Privilege is also the link in the coalition of bluebloods and rednecks, the Brahmins and the bigots. America's old wealth quickly resorted to the usual ploy: their position was justified by innate goodness and superiority, not education or application or luck.

Whiteness is the innate goodness of the rednecks and God's sanction. They have mostly failed in the persecution of their latest surrogate for slaves, the homos, but the homos are still going to hell. God's ways are inscrutable in the elevation or condemnation of His work.

And it's inscrutable as well in His arbitrarily chosen people so we may as well all live like animals. But, wait, that would mean that the darkies could rise up and kill the white people, which would only prove that the darkies were the chosen ones all along. Go figure.

Look at the circular insanity of this. Is it any wonder their lust for power and money and arsenals of assault weapons and shit. They intend to live like criminals, with the restraints of "civilization" applied only to their adversaries. They are bullies and thugs.

The Bush family is the wormhole here, the point of passage between the dimensionally disparate worlds of parlor games and dog fights. Junior is the embodiment, the original blueblooded redneck and an incompetent and screwup saved from accountability.

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