Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Play Group

Picture Donald Trump in a huge diaper, looking like a New Year's baby. There's a way in which the guys Republicans deem presidential are failproof because of their families. They're too blessed at birth to fail.

But this doesn't capture the innocent, childlike sociopathy of them. Trump and Romney and Bush and McCain are all developmentally arrested so early they shit themselves with impunity and are oblivious to the mess.

It isn't so easy when you're the shat-upon. Ask some Iraqis. Ask some of the business victims of Mitt and Herr Donald's libidinous drives to make more millions. McCain later hired the guy who smeared him silly in South Carolina.

The guy, I mean, who came up with the colored love-baby accusation against him. This isn't about regression or a race to the bottom. These boys never left the a pre-conscience stage of development. They didn't need to.

There was always someone to clean up after them. I think Americans elect them out of envy. Americans want a return to childhood innocence themselves. They want to get rid of the responsibilities of being grownups. 

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