Sunday, December 27, 2015

Marketing Inhumanity

Markets are inhuman. A reverence for markets is a reverence for inhumanity. Inhumanity is hard to market so the fans of inhumanity market markets.

It's the stuff you hear all the time about efficiency. Efficiency only makes sense within a defined, narrow context. The world is wasteful and the universe profligate.

All that energy squandered, converted into another, less palatable form. But then there's the energy that went into making us. We are organizations of atoms.

On the palatability index I don't know where we come in, but we are only organizations of atoms held together by energy, with limited liability and control. 

Ah, that "control" word. Can we enforce palatability? There's no reason to think the cosmos cares or isn't indifferent, but we care, within the limits of our liability.

How is that defined? Not being a deist, I would say arbitrarily. And I would celebrate exactly that, since the deists are failing so miserably. I choose to value us.

I choose to value human life and the systems that sustain us, not markets. Markets don't value life at all, intrinsically, whatever the market deists may say.

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