Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Cool Foundations

I've heard about the philanthropic foundations, most recently the Ford Foundation, and I'm impressed by how intelligent and well-intentioned the people are who run them.

But what sense does any of it make when they are working at cross-purposes with our own government? They are trying to alleviate problems our government is causing. 

It makes me think that they should do art. Not support it but do it. I mean be it. Do something so unexpected and cool as to constitute art. The foundation becomes art.

To start out they could give all their money, in a given year, to black people. Not cool enough but getting there. They could have Jeff Koons do it, with blues music playing.

Hell, I don't know. I'm no good at cool, but those intelligent and well-intentioned people can master it, I'm sure. They can't master our runaway government, though. Forget that.  

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