Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Friends of Destruction

I have made it my goal to try to get through to innocent Democrats how inconceivably fucked up southern white people are and especially white evangelical Christians. Hurricane Helene is instructive. They love this stuff. Tragedy, disaster, the hand of God at work. Suffering. Man, they love suffering. And they don't mind much if it's their own. 

Whatever happens it's God's will by definition. Or it wouldn't have happened. So there. This is fatalism and it's tautological as hell. A world without meaning. Shit just happens. And then you die. Since salvation is predordained your behaviors don't matter. Though there are signs. If you know how to see them. Wealth is a sign of God's favor. 

And it's better if you're an asshole. That means you haven't engaged in good works like the doomed Catholics who are all going to hell even if they're on the Supreme Court and voted for great sadistic shit. War makes for strange alliances. And evangelicals are at war, With the world. Because creation is shit and nothing but temptation. 

It was some cruel, incomprehensible joke on the part of God to trap our wonderful, pure souls in this world. The pre-born are actually better. Being born is a big step down. The further you get from independent life with it's nagging responsibilities and sinfulness the better. Death is purity. So evangelicals want to destroy the world.
And that will be God's will and intention as well. 

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