Saturday, October 12, 2024

Magical Misery Tour

What sick religions do is strip all the meaning out of life and then ration back to you just enough to make it livable. Barely bearable. Because they're about control. And against freedom, individual attainment of salvation, and any form of conscience. 

Life is a miracle. Rightly perceived it's magical and a source of wonder. The only magic conservatives have to offer is turning everything to shit. 

Rescue Me

I'm besieged by rednecks. The whole country is besieged by rednecks. Parts of the world are besieged by rednecks, to the extent they're entangled with America.

Rednecks are stupid, predatory, proud, backward and belligerent. They're unfit for self governance. They need masters to keep them in check. Ideally, multiple masters.

Give them freedom and they'll throw it out and opt for servitude. Serfdom. They turned Christianity into a fatalistic identity cult, in which they aren't free at all. 

Their soul's destiny was set at birth. Once their own serfdom is achieved they demand everyone else serve their same sick lords as a show of submission and fervor.

JD Vance was already rich. But he had to have a master. Sorry, masters. So he has Thiel, Trump, and a perverted, authoritarian, fascist form of Catholicism. 

And he's after all of us. We must all be brought to heel. Adhere to his precepts. Worship his gods. Kowtow to his kings, Trump and the lords of capitalism. Conform and obey. 

Or they will crush you. While being servile. My God these are sick people. Give them something good and they'll trash it. Friendships are supplanted by feuds. 

The way of the redneck is destruction. No wonder they love Trump. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

His Cheating Heart

Wow, Trump doesn't know how not to cheat. Just like, having a choice between making money while destroying someone and making money while not, he would take destroying someone. I don't think he enjoys it in the normal sense, because he's not normal, and there's nothing normal about enjoying destroying someone in any circumstances. 

But it makes his fragile ego feel a little more secure, I guess. I don't know. And, in his world and that of increasing numbers of Republicans the feeling of exercising power is a reward, no matter the consequences. We're all inconsequential in this. They're asserting their right to do wantever they want with impunity no matter how it harms anyone else.

Deprogram or Deport

The germ of truth in Trump's mania for deportation is that somebody deserves it. Trump voters. MAGA maniacs. If they can be deprogrammed and reeducated to be responsible citizens in a democracy -- to stop destroying it -- we'll let them stay. If not they're gone. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Mark All as Red

Who are the commies here? The people supporting Putin, to begin with. The commies as we've known them have turned out to be fascists. And Republicans have turned out to be fascists. 

Power lust is the commonality. Consolidation of power into the hands of a few. Or of one. A belief in the inevitability and transcendence of the class war is at the essential core of communism. 

And the belief that class warfare results in unsustainable concentrations of capital. Republicans believe in class warfare so they're trying to win. They've achieved the consolidation of capital. 

To a ridiculous degree. They're the commies. Everything else is secondary. Coming up with a system that prevents class warfare from occurring and getting lots of people killed is the point.

What that system is, and how extreme, is not essential. It's up for discussion. Up for testing, perhaps. Trial and error. But Republicans want the class war. And we've got it. And they're winning. 

Because the other side isn't even fighting back. Many on the side of those being abused are implicated and working against their own interests, as dupes or paid stooges. But that might change. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Friends of Destruction

I have made it my goal to try to get through to innocent Democrats how inconceivably fucked up southern white people are and especially white evangelical Christians. Hurricane Helene is instructive. They love this stuff. Tragedy, disaster, the hand of God at work. Suffering. Man, they love suffering. And they don't mind much if it's their own. 

Whatever happens it's God's will by definition. Or it wouldn't have happened. So there. This is fatalism and it's tautological as hell. A world without meaning. Shit just happens. And then you die. Since salvation is predordained your behaviors don't matter. Though there are signs. If you know how to see them. Wealth is a sign of God's favor. 

And it's better if you're an asshole. That means you haven't engaged in good works like the doomed Catholics who are all going to hell even if they're on the Supreme Court and voted for great sadistic shit. War makes for strange alliances. And evangelicals are at war, With the world. Because creation is shit and nothing but temptation. 

It was some cruel, incomprehensible joke on the part of God to trap our wonderful, pure souls in this world. The pre-born are actually better. Being born is a big step down. The further you get from independent life with it's nagging responsibilities and sinfulness the better. Death is purity. So evangelicals want to destroy the world.
And that will be God's will and intention as well. 

Enhanced Injustice

Evangelicals love injustice. They find natural disasters reassuring. They're actually excellent at helping out  when shit goes south. However, they consider injustice the model for the things we can control as well because it appears to them to be God's way. Their God is a dick.

So they want life to be arbitrary and mean and unpleasant. That's there social model. And it's how you get to Trump, the guy who fucks up everything he touches beyond belief. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Stranger in a Strange Land

That's called being an American, lately. We're either never who we thought we were or we've been invaded and conquered. Some of the former, maybe, but mostly the latter. The Confederacy has won the Civil War, in the end. American apartheid never left, but the government's back in support of it. A racist dystopia is the choice that's been made.