Monday, June 17, 2024

Koch v. Woke

I actually follow some of the right wing sites, supposedly some of the better stuff, and they're all upset about 'woke' and generally scared out of their panties over it. I smell a political ploy. So I went in search of woke and couldn't find it so my suspicion is, yet again, the right is making it up. Woke is basically a puritanical fad, fashion or trend on the left in reaction to a massive, organized and incredibly well funded movement on the right that has successfully undermined and subverted our government and is attacking democracy itself while making a run on establishing minority rule. Which are related. 

Conservatives should normally function like the Senate, acting as a  check on rash populist undertakings and ill-conceived legislative impulses. Cons should act as a responsible minority restraining force because they stand more to lose, being rich, and because their core belief -- that some people, they, are simply arbitrarily born better than others, us. Fairly presented it's a tough sell, that the common people should just accept this and defer to them and serve them as bultlers and factory workers and shut up about it. And sometimes some weird shit happens like in England, where an underclass buys into this. 

They sign off on the idea they're inherently inferior and deserve lesser status and are destined by God or Darwinian forces to support an upper class of wastrels like Boris Johnson and to let them rule and defer to them generally because, well, you tell me. The ol' U.S.A. did that with Bush and look where it got us. I think all the trouble in Europe is due to Bush. Because Bush created all these refugees who are inciting the immigration overreaction and he trashed the world economy.  The English are racist and incredibly degraded, overall. So, not the model to follow. And the hysteria about woke is bullshit. 

But some hysteria about Koch would make sense.

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