Sunday, June 2, 2024

Almost Infamous

Trump was a born pariah. It is his destiny. He's dying to be a pariah. All his life a guy like Trump has to have wanted to be put in his place. To encounter a strength in the world that stands up to his money. A strength that doesn't give a shit about his wealth and can't be bought. This is his psychology. 

But this is America, where money buys anything.

I guess being whipped in public would turn him on. He would love it. Look at what he did with the presidency. The way he won the office he could have played one party off against the other, done unbelievable stuff and been the most loved president ever. But he's wallowing in shit again.

Because it's what he wants.

In an incredibly sick way this is a choice. Both a choice and a compulsion. A warped choice at some brain-stem or digestive tract level.  Let's give the fucker what he wants. To be scourged and beaten and humiliated like Jesus on the way to Calvary and crucifixion. Look at his madness for risk. 

He wants to be crushed. At some depth, in his sickness, he's dying to be stopped. Or be stopped by dying. For God's sake, let's pull the plug on this piece of shit before he gets more people killed. Free Trump! And the only way to free Trump is to destroy him. Completely. Finally. Give the boy what he wants.

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