Sunday, June 9, 2024

I'm a Loser, Baby, so I'm Going to Kill You

It's something different to assume the power of life and death. There are even restraints on assuming it over yourself. Society is saying, in outlawing suicide, that it has a stake in the individual. A responsibility. So it's an antisocial act. Potentially society's failure. 

Enter the Republicans. They've created a class of losers they can exploit. Created them so they can exploit them to gain power. Culminating in Trump, the king of the losers. So this movement assumes the right to run everything and eliminate those who resist them. 

The power of life and death. This is the inverse of knowing we have a stake in one another. It's unloading your shit on people and making a bonfire out of them because it makes you feel good. They are Nazis. Because they are losers. A loser nation under Trump.

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