Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Fight My Liar

A few years ago I had a gun nut harassing me. He was a neighbor and I made the mistake of telling him I didn't think the Second Amendment had anything to do with private ownership. And that it was insane for average citizens to own assault weapons. I qualified it by saying it was impossible to de-gun the country but that it was bullshit about private ownership and that the whole thing was rooted in racism, which is one of the main lines of thinking on the issue. He of course took it badly because it's an opinion we are not allowed to have, as though the 'Constitution' isn't much more explicit on speech than on guns, thereby backing up my opinion that the constitutional 'right to carry' is a scam.

But we're way further down the road now. In a whole society so buried in a mass of lies it will never get dug out. But I still fight the battle in my own useless, backwater way. My neighbor, who was rich as shit, I think, moved away to be near a race track so he could drive cars around recklessly for the rest of his life. So I no longer have him throwing trash on my property and tearing down my 'bird friendly habitat' sign and buying me subscriptions to Gun Nut Magazine. But I ran into an old thread on a website where people post local stuff where he misrepresented what transpired between us. Amazingly.

With the election looming we see the beast of the Republican lie machine rearing up and it's unbelievable. A total fucking monster. Sometimes I think it all started with guns. They learned they could brazen it out and force it through and stuff the Supreme Court with hacks and, basically, beat up on us and the 'constitution' and all and get away with it so they keep going. Lie after lie after lie. We can't have a society like this. Built on lies. I don't mean 'can't' in some abstract way. It can't continue to exist. It might already be dead and riding on inertia. We'll see, but I Fight My Liar because it's my little thing. 

Whereas they will carry on with the Right to Lie movement. 

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