Saturday, June 29, 2024

Death Within Reach

The Death Alliance has realized other and continuing victories under Lord Trump. Decency lets down its guard, finding life and love and beauty compelling. Evil never sleeps. Paranoid imaginings won't allow it. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Let's Start at the End

Circular reasoning is sneaky. Describe it to someone. It sounds patently wrong and bad. And easy to detect. But it isn't. There are many forms. Much of it assumes information not in evidence. Which is like starting at the end. You want to cut taxes on the rich.

No matter what. You find justifications. You want to deregulate. You find justifications. You want people who disagree with you to go away. Things move in that direction. The line between wanting people to disappear and killing them is less clear than we think. 

But it becomes clear in the end. When the bodies are piling up. And by then it's too late.

What is Real

Fake news. AI didn't come up with it Trump did. Or one of his minions but no matter because he owns them. Let's posit there is reality. And there is lies and bullshit and made-up stuff. At some point you have to judge intentions. Will. And you have to judge systems. 

The humanity of systems. Because you won't be able to tell the rest of it apart. Distinguish one thing from another. Individually authenticity with be indistinguishable from rubbish. Rubbish wins in that scenario. Then rubbish will be all that's left. Because it's cheaper. 

At which time the system will be perfectly diabolical and inhumane. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Famous Supporter of BIg Oil Pushes Prayer During Deadly Heat Wave

Governor Jeff Landry of Louisiana has signed a bill to put the Ten Commandments in the schools during a deadly heat wave, presumably following on and attempting to capitalize on the wonderful and successful Republican campaign to fight gun violence with 'thoughts and prayers.' He noted that the idea was never to reduce mass killings, since that's the price we pay for our freedom, but to send victims off with the grace, blessings and thanks of the country, knowing that getting killed like that is a ticket to heaven and a pleasing sacrifice to God our creator because God made mass killers as well and this shit just happens. God's ways are inscrutable, said Landry, though only an idiot would doubt the importance of the Ten Commandmants and it was good politics too.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Imagine yourself as a bass. But a smart one. And Mark Zuckerberg is trolling above you with some tempting bait. Resist it. Think about the hook in your cheek. It isn't worth it. He'll reel your ass in. 

Hungarian Goulash

I follow a certain American arch-conservative who moved to Hungary to he among his peeps. So sorry Franco no more. He's published books. More coming. Supposedly he's a Christian. He says he is. 

His identity is built on it. He's a son of a Cyclops. So, good lineage. And he's full of hate. Hate and faith can't occupy the same space, as I understand it. So it's on him. He had a choice. And he chose hate.  

Like There's No Tomorrow

Fooled you. You thought it was just a saying, simile or turn of phrase. But they mean it. They are planning for no tomorrow. For us, anyway. No tomorrow means Jesus comes. They go to heaven and you go to hell. Die, fuckers! All questions answered. 

All dilemmas solved. All your trials vaporized. Poof. Because you are vaporized. They are going to burn it all the fuck down. Hello, Gaza. So we can have the one world government of Jesus. So they think. But I think they're working for the other guy.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Diet Crack

People are not getting it. About how impossible our way of living is. And how radically we have to change. Especially with respect to oil. We need to get radical. Total rehab. And we're addicts. Electric cars are a joke. Diet crack. We need a complete break with the old ways of living. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

First Church of Christ, Rapist and Murderer

The god of the Calvinists is an asshole. An entity that enjoys watching his creation flounder about and creates other entities, people, in his image and then condemns them for being as he created them. So being an asshole is godly. Including rape and murder. 

Which the SBC and its churches therefore support. I simply bear witness. Christ was surely a rapist and murderer, as it's the prerogative of power to do whatever you want with no accountability. Which is the model for Trump and why they support him.

Koch v. Woke

I actually follow some of the right wing sites, supposedly some of the better stuff, and they're all upset about 'woke' and generally scared out of their panties over it. I smell a political ploy. So I went in search of woke and couldn't find it so my suspicion is, yet again, the right is making it up. Woke is basically a puritanical fad, fashion or trend on the left in reaction to a massive, organized and incredibly well funded movement on the right that has successfully undermined and subverted our government and is attacking democracy itself while making a run on establishing minority rule. Which are related. 

Conservatives should normally function like the Senate, acting as a  check on rash populist undertakings and ill-conceived legislative impulses. Cons should act as a responsible minority restraining force because they stand more to lose, being rich, and because their core belief -- that some people, they, are simply arbitrarily born better than others, us. Fairly presented it's a tough sell, that the common people should just accept this and defer to them and serve them as bultlers and factory workers and shut up about it. And sometimes some weird shit happens like in England, where an underclass buys into this. 

They sign off on the idea they're inherently inferior and deserve lesser status and are destined by God or Darwinian forces to support an upper class of wastrels like Boris Johnson and to let them rule and defer to them generally because, well, you tell me. The ol' U.S.A. did that with Bush and look where it got us. I think all the trouble in Europe is due to Bush. Because Bush created all these refugees who are inciting the immigration overreaction and he trashed the world economy.  The English are racist and incredibly degraded, overall. So, not the model to follow. And the hysteria about woke is bullshit. 

But some hysteria about Koch would make sense.

Friday, June 14, 2024

What a Piece of Shit I Was

I'm going through an intense spell of remembering what a piece of shit I was. In adolescence and puberty. Ages 11 - 17, I would say. Maybe I was honing my game in the earlier years of that window. But the amount of stupid, shameful, degrading, disgraceful stuff I packed into those years ... where did I find the time? And I was still incredibly messed up after that but in an introverted way. Not acting out so much.

Oh We Are So Fucked

I know. Old news. But we're more fucked now. I'm just hitting the refresh. 

Leader of the Pack

The latest is more of the same. Republicans of every stripe sucking Trump's dick. Trump getting his dick sucked. Ted Cruz or whoever, who defines himself as a heroic defender of standards and a soldier for Christ, kowtowing to Trump. Guess Who's Cumming All Over Your Dinner? It's Herr Donald, the great defiler, and his pack. 

Onward Christian Soldiers

Evangelicals have always hated creation. They despise life. And now they're moving in for the kill. With global aspirations. They want to destroy everything. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Blitz

I read that, in the blitz, people stopped feeling afraid in the presence of all that power, and only felt awe. I feel awe now witnessing Republicans descend into the depths of irrationality and hatred. It's like they're possessed. By the spirits of destruction. And it doesn't help that it's me that they hate. Because I'm a Democrat. 

Right to Harry

The gun nuts aren't about self defense. Of course it was a lie. They're on the attack now. Intimidation is the new way. Instead of democracy. To get your way by bullying. 

Meta Culpa

Meta is the place to start. The rational place to start. Because huge, monopolistic corporations are a problem. And social media is a problem. So let's take that fucker down. And go from there. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Fight My Liar

A few years ago I had a gun nut harassing me. He was a neighbor and I made the mistake of telling him I didn't think the Second Amendment had anything to do with private ownership. And that it was insane for average citizens to own assault weapons. I qualified it by saying it was impossible to de-gun the country but that it was bullshit about private ownership and that the whole thing was rooted in racism, which is one of the main lines of thinking on the issue. He of course took it badly because it's an opinion we are not allowed to have, as though the 'Constitution' isn't much more explicit on speech than on guns, thereby backing up my opinion that the constitutional 'right to carry' is a scam.

But we're way further down the road now. In a whole society so buried in a mass of lies it will never get dug out. But I still fight the battle in my own useless, backwater way. My neighbor, who was rich as shit, I think, moved away to be near a race track so he could drive cars around recklessly for the rest of his life. So I no longer have him throwing trash on my property and tearing down my 'bird friendly habitat' sign and buying me subscriptions to Gun Nut Magazine. But I ran into an old thread on a website where people post local stuff where he misrepresented what transpired between us. Amazingly.

With the election looming we see the beast of the Republican lie machine rearing up and it's unbelievable. A total fucking monster. Sometimes I think it all started with guns. They learned they could brazen it out and force it through and stuff the Supreme Court with hacks and, basically, beat up on us and the 'constitution' and all and get away with it so they keep going. Lie after lie after lie. We can't have a society like this. Built on lies. I don't mean 'can't' in some abstract way. It can't continue to exist. It might already be dead and riding on inertia. We'll see, but I Fight My Liar because it's my little thing. 

Whereas they will carry on with the Right to Lie movement. 


Trump and COVID have melded in my mind into an amorphous mess. A single disaster. I'm going to honor this. Let them be forever associated in their deadliness and misery. 

The Southern Baptist System

Southern Baptists and other evangelical groups have evolved a system where you can do incredible harm and not feel responsible. At all. Call it compartmentalization. Call it rationalization or dissociation. But it is evil as shit. And they are evil. Because they sold their souls for moral certainty. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Filling the Void

The American vampire state is still trying to fill the void in its soul with stuff. Bad enough, that it's not only impossible but harmful, since it can't work. But, worse than that, it's harming the rest of the world. And, more so now, vulnerable populations within America. Time to pull the plug on the vampire état.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

I'm a Loser, Baby, so I'm Going to Kill You

It's something different to assume the power of life and death. There are even restraints on assuming it over yourself. Society is saying, in outlawing suicide, that it has a stake in the individual. A responsibility. So it's an antisocial act. Potentially society's failure. 

Enter the Republicans. They've created a class of losers they can exploit. Created them so they can exploit them to gain power. Culminating in Trump, the king of the losers. So this movement assumes the right to run everything and eliminate those who resist them. 

The power of life and death. This is the inverse of knowing we have a stake in one another. It's unloading your shit on people and making a bonfire out of them because it makes you feel good. They are Nazis. Because they are losers. A loser nation under Trump.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

To Heil and Back

America is going full-blown Nazi. And there's no coming back from that. Only forward, into the abyss. Self-destruction, once you've fucked everyone else. Then you rebuild. If you can. But past experience might not apply. America has become such a black hole of greed the world might never be the same. Way to go, you fucking pigs. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Sick Santa

Steve Bannon is a Republican Santa. He doesn't mark the solstice and bring gifts and hope. Bannon brings destruction. He believes in a cyclical view of history, and that we're due for cataclysmic change and a rebirth, never mind that this would mean millions of deaths. He doesn't care. He wants to usher it in. Like any good Nazi he sees right through the deaths. Because he doesn't give a shit, the sick fuck. 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Almost Infamous

Trump was a born pariah. It is his destiny. He's dying to be a pariah. All his life a guy like Trump has to have wanted to be put in his place. To encounter a strength in the world that stands up to his money. A strength that doesn't give a shit about his wealth and can't be bought. This is his psychology. 

But this is America, where money buys anything.

I guess being whipped in public would turn him on. He would love it. Look at what he did with the presidency. The way he won the office he could have played one party off against the other, done unbelievable stuff and been the most loved president ever. But he's wallowing in shit again.

Because it's what he wants.

In an incredibly sick way this is a choice. Both a choice and a compulsion. A warped choice at some brain-stem or digestive tract level.  Let's give the fucker what he wants. To be scourged and beaten and humiliated like Jesus on the way to Calvary and crucifixion. Look at his madness for risk. 

He wants to be crushed. At some depth, in his sickness, he's dying to be stopped. Or be stopped by dying. For God's sake, let's pull the plug on this piece of shit before he gets more people killed. Free Trump! And the only way to free Trump is to destroy him. Completely. Finally. Give the boy what he wants.

How Trump Changed Everything

America can never have been the country it thought it was or claimed to be. Not and elect Trump. And considering electing him again. He's too big a piece of shit. Trump exposes the sham. America never owned its shit. Now it's too late. Our shit has caught up with us.

Who Are the Suckers Now?

We're all inhabitingTrump's Atlantic City now. Where you go to lose -- always, on average -- in service to the post-financialization American Casino Empire. And to buy a little hope. Roll the dice on your life.

Remember Trump's claims about all the money he pulled out of Atlantic City, where he fucked up unbelievably because it was all about him and his ego and needing to be a big man and the best.

What a fucking idiot. But this is his model for America. And the model among his rich supporters. Pillage and get out. Run away from the ruins. We are being looted. And Americans are voting for this.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Exiles on Main Street

Conservatives endlessly present themselves as outsiders, and as being disrespected and powerless. So, not responsible. Yet they control everything. The battle they feel themselves to be in is internal to them. Their movement. They lack discipline, authority, consistency and rigorous thinking. They think they're rigorous as hell but that's another lie. They're rigorously wrong because their thinking is constrained by their prejudices. What unites them is fear. The suspicion or belief that something is horribly wrong. 

They need to look at themselves. The thing they're worst at and refuse to do.