Thursday, February 21, 2019

Ecstatic Sarah

The Republican insanity is reaching extasis. Their Delphic Oracle and sybil, Sarah Sanders, speaks in stories and riddles indecipherable by the journalistic rabble. Only the pure of heart understand. "A great empire will fall." Hell, yeah. We're watching it happen.

Sarah is speaking in tongues, inspired by the Holy Spirit--or Beelzebub, as you will. Fox News speaks in tongues as well. She--they--are beside themselves, somewhat permanently out-of-body in premonition of their divine fate--to be raptured and reunited with God.

Or, they might be damned to hell. I don't think they care. The critical thing is to participate in the divine drama, not some miserable human mess and masquerade defined by reason and Democrats. Reason is pitiful. Reason is not the language of divinity and destiny.

They will roll the dice, content to be saved, savaged by heathen or swept up by Satan. A primal drama must be had. Don't look to Sarah or Fox for human truth. They are way beyond that, in the dissociating domain of extraterrestrials. They are that, they think.

And they impatiently await a return to their celestial home. They are divine beings trapped in sorry materiality. But what about those poor humanoids, the rest of us, deemed by them to be without divine spark? We deserve nothing. We deserve misery and death. 

We are inconsequential, soulless chaff, empty earthen vessels and unevolved hominid mud people abandoned by God--to be ignored, used, or annihilated if we get in the way. Yet, I humbly ask, from my puny point-of-view, does Sarah seem celestial to you?

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