Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Forty Years A-Screwing

An important time for remembrance is ahead. In only 40 years Republicans have managed to deconstruct the American Dream. We know now how it worked because it is in pieces. This wasn't an analytical deconstruction it was actual. The dream is dead.

Attaching a date to this is an unsure thing but I will choose it beginning in 1980, the glorious dawn of Reaganomics, when Americans voted to believe in a comforting lie. We had been primed for this through attitudes of self-righteousness and exceptionalism. 

When came the 60s, a decade of optimism, skepticism and effervescent energy, ending in assassinations and Nixon. Conservatives, supposedly preservationists typified by stodgy old white men trying to be Tories in a land without titles, recoiled and revolted. 

Well, hell, they became Tories. Royalists. Victorious ones, at that.

But how? They sold their souls to the Taliban, or the nearest available thing, generational remnants of the Confederacy. Those remnants were REALLY mad about desegregation. A deal was struck. Rednecks voted Republican in return for promises of restitution.

Promises, dog-whistle style. Southerners are raised on dissimulation, making things look like what they aren't. Politically incorrectly, but sincerely, it's ALL LIES.

Restitution, and a restoration of their oligarchy of segregated greed. They didn't want money for confiscated slaves, duh. They want a lower class of black people doomed forever to despair. Black people carry the burden of the degeneracy of white southerners. 

Somebody has to do it. The shame is too much for them to bear. Anyway, 2020 is the year to celebrate their triumph. Sure, the rednecks screwed themselves in the process but they didn't care as long as the darkies were kept down. At that they have succeeded.

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