Thursday, February 28, 2019

Stonewall Evacuation

Republicans are fighting a war, against their fellow Americans and the rule of law, and against equal protection and enfranchisement. Democrats still think we're all in it together--the correct, constitutionally-mandated perspective, but it gives Republicans an enormous tactical advantage and leg-up. Republicans are relying on Democrats to be the grownups and clean up their messes.

And Republicans are willing destroy everything rather than lose. I feel for Democrats. They can level the field by adopting the same illegal tactics but don't want to. Many of them don't even see what is happening, believing Republicans are still, broadly and by definition, since they are citizens, playing by the rules. However, watch as Republican congressmen stonewall for Trump and kiss his ass. 

This is not normal. They no longer deserve the benefit of assuming anything good about them. Their oaths mean nothing. They are immersed in a sea of lies and must be challenged and called out. They don't know how to live outside of the swamp and must therefore be evacuated by force.

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