Tuesday, February 5, 2019

To Form a More Perfectionist Union

Perfectionism is a disease, related to Utopianism. Perfectionism is divorced from reality in proportion to its severity because reality is awfully messy and imperfect, always changing. People are messy and imperfect. Perfectionists set themselves up as gods, as the agents and enforcers of standards, so they are always judging, always dissatisfied and always angry. The lens is never turned on them. 

Not consciously. Unconsciously, however, perfectionists are always the objects of their own contempt. That contempt is turned onto the world around them and its inhabitants. Us. Deists understood that only God was immune to imperfection and therefore unchanging. Systems are unchanging and perfect in their flux, if that makes sense. The parts come and go, into and out of existence. 

Nature plays the averages. We are among the parts. 

We come and go, into and out of existence. Perfectionists are in denial of this, so they're in denial of their humanity. Institutionally, perfectionism and Utopianism are represented in America by Calvinists. Their eyes are always on God, as the point of comparison, so they despise life. They despise creation for its imperfection and "the flesh" for its corruption. They long for the destruction of creation.

Fundamentalists are the most imperfect of us all and in denial of their imperfection, living in the certainty of salvation, as self-appointed guards in the prison of life. They live within the bounds of original sin, never escaping, taking for granted the gift of life. They look at the thing they cannot have, God's own status, and they covet it. They spend their lives obsessed with other people's morality. 

Why? Look at theirs. It's the worst of all. They are our Hell.

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