Thursday, February 28, 2019

Reason is Anathema

How did we get here, you might ask? How does a country founded on principles of reason and moderation end up being controlled by parasites and primitives?

It took a voting bloc. White Southerners, infuriated over desegregation, rebelled (again) and gave their votes wholesale to a political party representing wealth and privilege.

The factions found they had something in common, believing that some people are better than others by birth--through innate gifts--whether by vanity or religious doctrine.

Southern Baptist bigots have a history of resisting reason. They were committed to the exploitation of slaves and racial oppression. They rejected new trends in biblical scholarship, retreating into a fearful, defensive place of idolatry, superstition and compulsion, fighting reflexively against hope and fairness. 

Forget free will, self-determination, and anything resembling good-works. They fight against the possibility of personal responsibility, instead being fatalists.

Attempts to improve life in this world are insults to their cruel, deterministic God. Belief in the usefulness of human reason is an insult to the primacy of faith--read, delusion.

Believing themselves to be saved beyond question, they seek to impose their values on everybody. With the aid of wealthy rogues with their own agenda they have succeeded. For years they were the backwater bozos and rubes manipulated for their votes.

Finally, though, after four decades of determined effort, social conservatives have taken over. Their stench is everywhere. Death stalks the streets. The Middle East is in flames and riddled with the corpses of the unjust wars of aggression of their man Bush. 

Americans struggle uniquely among developed nations to have healthcare, normal social services and decent lives. Evangelical Christians won't allow it. They abhor reason and decency and their allies are super greedy.

We live in a reeking landfill of their lies. This is how we got to where we are.

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