Saturday, July 7, 2018

Yes, Chinese...

Yes, Chinese, it is really happening. You are being hit with the full force of the brilliance of the deal-making and negotiating skills of Donald Trump. I know, it is hard to take in and comprehend. You were accustomed to working with the neolib's and the Wall Street types who would sell their mothers for short-term profits. You could understand that. It was sick but at least intelligible. Though, I have observed that you respect your mothers more than we do. It is obvious from the Chinese people living among us in America.

The neolib's would sell out their country and fellow citizens in a heartbeat but, what the hell, if Americans were stupid enough to elect them that was their problem, right? Sure, you knew you were getting away with some shit and would have given ground but Herr Donald isn't acting within those parameters. He only wants to feel like a big man. 

That is the point, the incredible feeling of the POWER of not caring if the whole world economy implodes because of you and millions of people die, the freedom of the riotous abandon of not giving a shit about anything at all. This is the face of the American social-conservatives, an ill-wind from the south. They are "premillennialists"  and believe the destruction of the world will be followed by a reign of Jesus, for 1000 years. It is crazy as fuck. You can see why they love Trump. He has "end-times" written all over him.

Anyway, we are in the same boat. Rational, caring Americans are in awe of Donald's fecklessness and depravity. Let us join together to depose Trump and create a better world. Word is, our elections are pretty easy to hack. As an American I might be held responsible but y'all can go ahead full-steam and try to influence the midterms and beyond.

May God be with you. We are pretty helpless over here. The other side is too well-funded, driven, and now as reckless as Trump. They are batshit crazy. Sorry, do you know the idiom? Look it up but don't get too fixated on the terminology. What I mean to say is, on behalf of myself and my fellow citizens, HELP! And, welcome to the guano-sphere.

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