Monday, July 16, 2018

Synchronized Sinning

You wonder how they do it--the soul-crushing lies of the southern white children: Sarah Sanders, Mitch McConnell, Jeff Sessions and all the rest. The lies flow out of them. Would that evangelicals went to confession!

"Father, I lied my ass off." Next week: "Father, I lied my ass off." Would you find a new priest every week to keep alive the presumption of contrition? Or justify it as white lying or in the service of a greater good?

I don't know. Somehow all the lies, justifications and rationalizations sync up and I don't think it's a conspiracy. There's a river that runs deep in these people—of repressed hatred and fear. It must be rooted in an injury.

Ah, the Civil War and desegregation. The rape of the South. They was done wrong. Clearly, they have no conscious access to the hate. Not most of them. They go to church. Their identities are entirely based on Jesus.

They identify with Jesus. They have had a faith experience and know they are saved and destined for heaven. They are certain they are good people. What do you say to that? I wish they would just stop lying. 

Plead diminished capacity for them but there are still all the lies. I know, they can't help it. It's strange that they insist on personal salvation. They behave like ants or some other kind of insect--like they are programmed.

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