Thursday, April 20, 2017

Silicon Valley Days

I keep hearing about the moral vacuum of Silicon Valley and the sociopaths who are acculturated there--the techies, owners and investors who think that, whatever they have, it isn't enough. This is about arrestedness. Greed doesn't explain the immorality because it's about power and insecurity. 

The interplay of those never ends. Power doesn't counteract insecurity. Maybe it does in the immediate, hormonally intoxicating onrush of success but the goal is then moved and the awareness resurfaces not just of the old insecurity but of its reinvention.

Aha!--now they have more to lose and they are defined by their losable stuff, not by character and conviction. So, typically of the arrested personality, they drill down on themselves and come up with nothing--nothing because the meaning of life is societal, elusive, interpersonal and ephemeral.

They are even more isolated now by their money and success and everything is determined by it. I don't know these people--not a single billionaire. I see it, however, in the petty tyrants around me, those who compulsively crave power and are never satisfied. 

I know that there are few people in this exclusive place and many good people beneath them but they are part of a determining minority, a ruling cabal, along with their innately sociopathic allies--the professional politicians, fundamentalist Christians and irresponsible, toxic mutants like Trump. 

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