Thursday, April 13, 2017

Let Them Eat Fritos

I find that the best time frame for examining the pernicious stupidity of Republicanism is thirty to fifty years or so ago. More recently and there are problems with both the tidal wave of rationalizing nonsense and the immaturity of the consequences--waiting for those to ripen into full-blown, observable insanity.

Further back and the consequences have played out through the system, often been repaired by Democrats or lost some of their emotional force and impact, as in the case of the Great Depression, which was caused by the same kind of crazy, deregulatory economic thinking promoted on the right more recently. 

Now, other people have done an excellent job of it so I encourage you to investigate Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture under Richard Nixon, to see how knee-jerk, Republican ideology and policy, rooted in political calculation and blind belief in corporatism and business consolidation, plays out over time. 

The damage to American infrastructure, the environment and even our health has been incalculable. And, having made average citizens both poorer and less healthy, Republicans want to deprive them of fair access to medical services. Look into Butz. You will see a familiar and telling paradigm and its results.

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