Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Republican Oligarchic Revolution

Too often now we have witnessed the Republican dread of empowering the American people and never more than with healthcare, so the case is instructive. Always these so-called conservatives will disgracefully vote with their wealthy overlords since they live submissively within the castle walls. 

The breakdown and division in a society remade along oligarchic lines is this, whether a person is within the walls or without. The serfs may, if appropriately humble, be protected and welcomed inside the walls if the oligarch next door decides to invade--but, no promises. Serfs must be powerless. 

Weakness is necessary because the walls are also there to protect the lords and their henchmen from a possible uprising of the serfs who do all the work and pay for everything. The oligarchic system is, incidentally, exactly what America was founded in reaction to and in opposition against.

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