Thursday, April 20, 2017

Stephen Miller's Contempt Muse

Stephen Miller deserves some credit for owning his inner Darth Vader. He isn't only unafraid of being loathed--I think he likes it--he's unafraid of being loathsome. As with Darth the life-hating force is strong in him but employed in the service of his master, an unknown lord or maybe just darkness, the hatred of everything decent, sustainable and good. 

I half expect him to hiss and seethe at any moment. Always there are these issues on the New American Right of dominance and submission, their Marxist assumptions about the nature of life and its struggle, self-fulfilling nonsense representing an unconscious projection of their own, internal feelings of contempt. Contempt is their muse and marching band. 

Watch it on parade every day now in Washington. What Miller evidently doesn't see is the racism. Rational arguments can have hidden assumptions and be premised on rash, irrational and instinctual character judgements. Presidents are complex figures--functional, but also ceremonial and as close a thing as we have to a human embodiment of our ideals. 

Their boy Bush was defended no matter what and Obama attacked and reviled before he did anything--there was talk of impeaching him even before his inauguration. This is purely racism and tribalism. Behavior doesn't matter. Identification does and it requires submission, conformity and unanimity of opinion. Dissent is not tolerated. Resistance will be punished.

Stephen Miller will punish someone and he will enjoy it but his side is far from unified now. There will be retribution for sure, maybe an inner purge and then the full force of the enmity will be back on us. (Picture him in black leather breaches with whips and chains, a gravitas-lacking version of Dick Cheney sneaking in at the door of a faux, GOP biker-bar)  

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