Tuesday, September 13, 2016


What is this fixation and preoccupation of the right-wing white-boys with uteruses? My theory is this: the human mind is profound and in its depths there is archetypal material, including primal and impersonal and collective "memories" of a sort having to do with life in the womb.

I think that the conservative nut-jobs had bad experiences there, in the womb, and so the impersonal, archetypal material is tainted. Maybe their mothers ate or drank something bad and it affected them. When you look at George Bush and Scott Walker and Sean Hannity you see it. 

There's that look in the eyes. Paul Ryan may have a hint of it. Nothing against their mothers, but it's the look you get with fetal alcohol syndrome. An excess of orange juice may have caused acid conditions in the uterus--hell, I don't know--but that blankness is there in the eyes.

That and the lack of comprehension.

No one would care if they weren't all resentful assholes with persecutory whims. So I think that the right-wingers have had their psyches and outlooks poisoned by some trauma in utero, whatever that may have been, and that they are unconsciously trying to get even with the world. 

And it's why they have the utero-fixation.

That is why Scotty and George and Sean and Paul don't have consciences and go around destroying things and hurting people and leaving inconceivable messes behind them for someone else to clean up, a show of indifference and contempt and an attitude of superiority.

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