Thursday, September 1, 2016

Buy My Stuff

Donald Trump is such a prolific narcissist it causes all kinds of associative stuff to fire off in my head, from P. T. Barnum to big-time wrestling and some characters out of Mark Twain. But it's hard to get a handle on it and I resent having him thrust on us by an imbecilic Republican electorate.

He shouldn't have any responsible role in a situation requiring taking care of anyone. Anyway, the latest resonance for me is with Ron Popeil, the master salesman who makes you want to buy stuff you don't want, not for using or having or the pleasure of buying but to please Ron, I guess.

Or it could be for dramatic propriety and theatrical aplomb, wanting him to have a happy ending, if you know what I mean. Showing up at his venue is trouble. It sucks you in. We didn't show up at Trump's show he got shoved at us. Voters want to fulfill his wishes and give him a happy ending. 

Trump has the ability to get people to want to not disappoint him in his childlike selfishness and sociopathy. And he's insatiabile. What a mess. It will be anything but a happy ending with Trump, but rather a theatrical catastrophe. He's a spoiled baby and needs to experience some frustration. 

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