Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Lies The Koch Boys Told Me

What with the Koch brothers and others weighing in on education, making sure that there is cannon fodder aplenty for them and another generation of Republican automatons, it's only fair that the other side have a say. Part of the curriculum, starting in high school, should involve foreign entanglements and domestic subterfuge, a messy web of good drama.

All that is needed is a few passive swipes at cronyism and its consequences and the seeds of rational, national self-criticism will be sown. The consequences, that is, of American foreign and domestic policy. I say passive because I mean viewing a movie or two and a show or two, from respected sources:

     The FRONTLINE episode on the Iraq war
     CAPITOL CRIMES, a Bill Moyers' piece on Jack Abramoff 
     BOOGIE MAN, a film on Lee Atwater

Here we have a primer on American, ahem, Republican, incompetence, malfeasance and skullduggery. There should also be something on their economic theories, perhaps focusing on Phil and Wendy Gramm, and how rampant deregulation trashed the world economy. WE DESTROY THE WORLD AND EAT A STEAK, maybe. I'll make this one, all fair and balanced. 

Something on FOX NEWS would be good, now that I think of it, and maybe on the coup--pardon--election, of 2000, but I'm getting carried away. How Koch-esque. They only want to rule the world. I'm trying to get through my life in reasonable shape, and see that others can do the same, not like those poor Americans who came back from the Middle East in pieces.

Courtesy of the Kochs and their cohorts and their excellence in starting and managing wars. How will the Koch boys explain all that in their schools? And they somehow came out of the mess richer still, as with every mess they make. Quelle surprise! Aye, another movie springs to mind, waiting to be made, THE EMPIRE LASHES OUT. Anyone want to take this one on?

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