Monday, March 2, 2015

The State of Nature

Every year in Black History Month, February, the film footage we see of the race monsters and bigots of the pre-desegregation South depriving other people of their rights seems more current and familiar. Southerners have reasserted their will by extending disenfranchisement, even to themselves. 

It is assumed that the lords and ladies to whom they want to cede power will keep poorer Southerners from having to rub elbows with black people out of principle or gratitude. That's all the poorer folks have ever cared about. They will sell themselves down the river for it if they can't have it otherwise.

The Civil War never ended in the South. In fact it intensified inwardly as the open expression of the secessionist, segregationist and racist drives became more difficult. The libertarian economic theories these new righties adhere to are rooted in a power struggle between lords and kings. 

The Southerners want lords, meaning oligarchs. Neo-conservative libertarians with southern roots, like Rand Paul, associate freedom with hierarchy, social stratification and a very limited franchise, so welcome to DOWNTON ABBEY, and get comfortable with the downstairs group, you working people.

That's where you're heading. So when Rand talks freedom he means his freedom to be assured that rich people remain rich forever no matter what. Think George Bush, Jr. It's a world where no amount of hard work and competence will raise you above a certain level and the privileged can't fail.

Keep thinking Bush, the exemplar. Southerners, recognizing that disenfranchisement can't be marketed and sold as such, rebranded it as the new freedom and individualism, but remember that these people fought against freedom to the death while defending their freedom to do so.

Admittedly this is twisted, but get comfortable with that as well. Consider nullification. Southerners wanted it for themselves but were indignant when Northerners nullified the Fugitive Slave Law by refusing to enforce it. Everything only applies one-way and to a limited group. It's not about country. 

It's about a club, a subset of Americans who have all the power, enjoy all the benefits, and never suffer consequences for anything, and it's because we have black people in America, make no mistake. If we were more like Scandinavia racially we would be more like Scandinavia politically.

Racism is driving it all. It makes Southerners crave lawlessness or, at least, a world in which the only law is power and powerful people can do whatever they want irrespective of anything, a state of nature. It's easier to see this now in our foreign policy, where we kill people at will and with impunity.

But that same way, the brute force, will inevitably be applied at home to lower class people. As for DOWNTON ABBEY, I'm an old-fashioned Irish-Catholic, with no use for bigots and snobs, so I may drive your car or mow your lawn but your daughters are fair game, much as I don't aspire to the manse.

Poorer Southerners will realize too late the elite doesn't care about them at all. They are being used again but they're too mean and stupid to see it, and they will wake up one day in the exact situation they wanted to avoid, being part of an intimate underclass with people of color.

Think EASTENDERS but with way more colored people. Punitive, retrograde religious institutions are the South's last line of defense against interracial intimacy, but these institutions are attempting a takeover of the secular institutions, such as government.

This is the point of the abortion obsession and the rest. It's not about abortion but control and about keeping white girls out of the hands of black men. Interestingly it's now accepted for those girls...

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